Saturday 31 December 2016

How Do You Raise Responsible Children? Try This Single, Brilliant Tactic
It's one way to show them you're really on their side.

CREDIT: Getty Images

In today's society, it's all too easy to get caught up in our jobs. It's even easier when you work for yourself.
We recently spent a weekend with one of my mentors. Alex runs a successful company and has been happily married for over 20 years. His two children are now teenagers, and they've both got that special something: they're smart, mature, well-rounded, and a pleasure to be around. 
As I soaked everything in, I was fascinated at Alex's approach to parenting. A deep thinker, he's continuously working on his business strategy. But he works even harder at developing his child-rearing strategy.

The Story

Throughout the weekend, Alex shared some great stories. But here was my favorite:
Years ago, my son Tim and I were waiting for a commuter train to take us home, which happened to be in the middle of nowhere. As we sat down, an announcement came over the loudspeaker, indicating that the next train had been canceled. This was bad news, because the next train wouldn't come for another hour. Nonetheless, we patiently waited.

Then, shortly before the next train was scheduled to arrive, another announcement: Problems on the track had forced the train to reroute, and it would be another hour before another one arrived.
Tim couldn't take it anymore.
"Dad, we can't just keep sitting here," he exclaimed. "Let's just walk to the next station--it's an express stop. We'll definitely get a train quicker than if we wait here."
But I knew these trains well, and I also knew it would take us over two hours to walk to the next station. (There was no Uber back then, and we were low on cash, so a taxi wasn't an option.) Based on the explanation from the attendant, I was confident the next train would be on time, and was sure it was better to wait. (Of course, I explained all of this to Tim.)
But Tim was adamant. "No way. I know it won't take us two hours, and I'm sure we'll make it in better time than just waiting here. Come on, I'm positive!"
I knew what exactly what would happen. I knew my son's emotional nature and lack of experience were leading him into a bad decision. I thought about it, and I knew exactly what to do.
I decided to walk.
"All right, Tim," I said. "Let's do it."
Tim and I walked briskly and made good time. When a little over an hour had gone by and no train had passed, Tim felt vindicated. "See, I told you," he gloated. "I bet the next train got canceled, too!"
And then, a faint sound.
It was, of course, a train engine.
"Arrrrgh," yelled Tim. "I can't believe it!"
I didn't say a word. I just kept walking.
Tim followed.
We eventually made it to the next station, about two hours after we had begun walking. Eventually, a train came and we made it home, safe and sound.

The Lesson

Fast forward to today.
"You know," Alex told me, "I lost a couple of hours that day. But I gained a whole lot more. My son learned a powerful lesson in why he should trust his dad, even when he thinks he knows better."
"But it goes a lot further than that," Alex continued. "By giving him the chance to prove things to himself, he saw that I was willing to give him freedom, too."
"Throughout the years, I've continued to give Tim the leeway to make certain decisions himself, and he's done a great job with that freedom. But when I feel the need to step in, to prevent an especially poor choice or unnecessary pain, a few short words are enough to make a powerful impact: "Tim, remember the train."
"Almost always, he's willing to hear my advice."
I was in awe.
There's so much to love about this story, but none more than this:
Sometimes, you have to let your child make mistakes. The earlier you do, the earlier they'll learn.
But how much better when you can be there, right be their side as they do.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

The ultimate list of kitchen chores for kids aged 2 to 12

Moms all around the world want their children to be independent and able to do things for themselves. However, when it comes to housekeeping chores, parents often do not allow their children to help out around the house and to learn responsibility. But at what age can we expect a child to set and clear the table or take out the garbage?
We at Bright Side studied this question thoroughly and came up with a handy infographic based on Maria Montessori’s study of child development. This guide will help you divvy up the household chores fairly and keep expectations reasonable.

Sunday 21 August 2016

25 inexpensive ways to keep your kids busy when they’re bored

To be a parent means to be always prepared. Yes, just like Boy Scouts. It helps to also be quick-witted and innovative, of course.
If you can keep your little ones busy without spending a lot of money, you are truly a super-parent. Here are some great ideas for keeping your kids entertained — and most importantly, they’re free.
1. Use colored tape to make car tracks.

2. Instead of multi-colored chalk, you can also use tape to make a game of hopscotch indoors.
To play hopscotch, you should first lay out the court on the ground. If you’re playing indoors, then use your colored tape. It will definitely keep your child busy.

3. To arrange an improvised bullseye game or maybe you own darts tournament, all you will need is a couple of sponges and some chalks.
4. Remember those dress-up dolls we had? They were made of paper and we had to cut their ’clothes’ and ’accessories’ with scissors.
You can make the old game much more realistic with a box of chalk and some old clothes.
5. Exploding plastic bags with paint will turn your sidewalks into colorful masterpieces.

To make these colored ’bombs’ you will need:
  • some Zip-lock plastic sandwich bags;
  • corn starch;
  • food coloring or liquid watercolors;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • paper towels or napkins.
Mix the corn starch, vinegar and food coloring. Fill your bags at least 1/3 of the way with the mixture. Take a square piece of paper towel and put some baking soda in the middle. Form the ’bomb’. Place the ’bomb’ into the bag and seal it. Shake the bag really hard. The bag will slowly expand and a few minutes later — boom! Your sidewalks will be covered with paint and the kids will be happy.
6. Try painting on wet glue with food colorings. The result will surprise you.
For your ’canvas,’ try the plastic lid from a cream cheese box.
7. Here is another fun way to keep your kid busy and entertained. You will need leftover bubble wrap, washable paint and a large piece of wallpaper.
8. Create your own throwing tarp.
You will need a tarp, heavy rope, scissors, a marker and tape.
9. Build a tower out of cut up sponges.
This can calm down your restless children and allow them to concentrate.
10. Create a tin foil river with a bottle of water.
11. Tape the paper towel roll to the wall.
12. If you have some burlap, make a sewing station for your children.
Help your children build fine motor skills at home.
13. Children love playing with sand. They can spend hours ’writing’ letters and ’drawing’ pictures on the beach. If you want to take this fun activity back to your place, use a box filled with sugar and a pencil.

You can print out some letters and ask your little ones to write them down on the ’sand’.
14. Let’s go camping! And don’t forget about the indoor ’camp fire’!
15. Make a balloon rocket.

You will need:
  • a piece of yarn or fishing line, approx. 6 feet (2 meters);
  • a balloon;
  • 2 chairs;
  • a cocktail straw;
  • tape;
  • a pair of scissors.
Tie the string to the back of a chair. Thread a straw onto the other end of the string, and then tie the string to the back of the second chair. Inflate the balloon but don’t tie the end, and attach it to the straw using tape. Now let your rocket go!
16. You can arrange your own bowling tournament using everyday things like pencil erasers and a marble.
17. If you arrange yarn and tell you children they are on a special mission, they will immediately turn into their favorite superheroes.
18. Put a bar of soap in the microwave and get this soap cloud.
19. You can arrange a real tennis competition using paper plates, some popsicle sticks and balloons.
The best part is, your kids will not break their grandmother’s beloved vase while playing with this ball.
20. Make a ’spider web’ using tape.
Make some paper balls and throw them right into the web.
21. If you have stairs in your house, turn them into an indoor slide.
22. Make a rainbow bubble snake.
You will need:
  • a plastic bottle;
  • a sock;
  • tape;
  • food coloring;
  • dishwashing liquid.
Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle and slide the sock over it. Put some food coloring on the sock. Mix the dishwashing liquid with water. Dip the sock into the soapy mixture and start blowing.
23. Another bubble activity
To blow a giant bubble, you will need a bubble solution and a special blowing device. You can use a hula-hoop or two sticks with a rope.
24. Put your kids’ playdough into a balloon and you will get this brand new fun toy.
25. Let your children become fancy designers and design their own collections.