Saturday 7 January 2017

19 Commandments From Maria Montessori to Help You Become the Perfect Parent

19 Commandments From Maria Montessori to Help You Become the Perfect Parent

Maria Montessori is one of the small number of pedagogues who helped revolutionize how we think about raising children during the 20th century. She was well known for formulating short but memorable commandments for parents. They are all essentially straightforward, but nevertheless contain a huge amount of wisdom.
We at Bright Side recommend reading the following at least once a year.
  1. Children learn from what surrounds them.
  2. If a child is often criticized, they learn how to condemn others.
  3. If a child is often praised, they learn how to evaluate others.
  4. If a child is shown hostility, they will learn to fight.
  5. If you are honest with a child, they learn the meaning of fairness.
  6. If a child is too often derided, they become shy.
  7. If a child feels safe, they learn to trust people.
  8. If a child is too often made to feel shame, they will learn to always feel guilty.
  9. If a child is given frequent encouragement, they will have high self-esteem.
  10. If a child is condescended to, they will learn patience.
  11. If a child is given support, they will be confident.
  12. If a child lives in an atmoshpere of friendship and feels that others need it, they will learn how to find love.
  13. Never speak badly of a child, in their presence or otherwise.
  14. Concentrate on nurturing the good in a child. That way, there will be no place left in them for the bad.
  15. Always listen to and answer a child’s questions or requests should they approach you.
  16. Respect a child even when they make a mistake. They will be able to correct their error soon enough.
  17. Always be ready to help a child who requires assistance, and to stand aside when they’ve found everything they need.
  18. Help a child to master things early. This can be done by making sure the world around them is filled with affection, peace, and love.
  19. Always display the best manners to a child. Show them how to be the best they can be.

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